June 29, 2022, 9:00 AM PST

International Art & Sculptures

Featuring a fine selection of International Art and Sculptures including 5 Roy Lichtenstein limited edition prints, a selection of large format black and white prints of the Rolling Stones by such artists as: Lynn Goldsmith, Christopher Makos, Michael Joseph, and David Montgomery. Also featured is a selection of sculptures by such artists as Robert Davidson, after Frederic Remington, Lorenzo Ghiglieri, Edward Onslo Ford, and Gwynn Murrill. In addition to this sale is a selection of high end designer furniture by such makers as: B&B Italia, Lapalma, RH furniture, and others. Also featured is a Technogym free weight set w/rack, Trek Checkpoint SL 6 bike, and a Star Wars Lego collection.


3331 Jacombs Road
Richmond, BC V6V 1Z6


June 15 - 28

Hugh Bulmer
Hugh Bulmer

Asian ceramics and works of art, European furniture and ceramics, appraisal services.


Neil McAllister
Neil McAllister

Northwest Coast and Inuit Art, Antiques, Firearms, and Canadian and International Art.
